Our primary objective is to ensure that efficient support is received at the right time, 在正确的地方. 十大正规博彩网站排名公司为雷达和光电跟踪火控主管Ceros 200提供基础维护服务和支持, TactiCall, 武器定位系统,亚瑟, 培训 & 模拟和西科斯基S-92直升机. 我们理解服务和支持对您的国内和国际使命的成功的重要性.
在信任的范围内合作, 我们的工业合作伙伴和挪威武装部队受益于创新和具有成本效益的产品和终身服务. Saab products are robust and reliable, proven and tested in all environmental conditions. 十大正规博彩网站排名还作为一个可靠的系统集成商,与军事和民用安全公司合作.
Delivering overmatch capability for the modern battlefield. 我们的地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB)是一种远程精确弹药,满足武装部队不断发展的需求. GLSDB provides supreme flexibility and complements existing ballistic trajectory weapons, 以经过验证和成功的小直径炸弹增量(SDB I)和多管火箭发射系统火箭为基础. SDB是一种250磅级武器,配备先进的抗干扰GPS系统辅助惯性导航系统, 结合起来有多种用途, penetrating blast-and-fragmentation warhead and programmable electronic fuze.
Within today’s modern warfare, the importance of a well-equipped artillery has made its mark. 敌方无人机正在将炮兵部署区域进一步推后,这意味着对射程更远的炮兵的需求增加了. 火炮的射程是高成本的驱动因素,在这个阶段,军队有很大的漏洞需要填补, 成本效益是关键. GLSDB is the missile system that has the most superior range vs cost ratio out there. GLSDB具有150公里的射程,使军队能够以1米的精度打击高收益目标,深入敌方领土,成本低于所有其他系统.
新闻 & 故事
培训 & 模拟
Joint training between allied nations is a key topic among all NATO members. 旅级及以上级别的互操作性训练正在得到更大的关注,以确保有效的训练——通常与国际盟友一起——并为当前和未来的威胁做好准备. It also enables roles to be changed quickly and flexibly.
作战部队装备了新兴技术,并在日益复杂的战场上作战, 在敌方精确的火力下, 造成和接受伤亡, 在极端环境条件下. Whilst there is no substitute for actual combat experience, realism is key to optimize the training experience. 十大正规博彩网站排名的现场训练解决方案提供了真实感和高保真度数据,以学习最大限度提高战斗力的关键课程. Virtual simulation training allows the user to practice procedures and equipment handling, and together with live simulation training crucial external influencing factors are added.
长颈鹿1X是地面防空(GBAD)领域理想的空中监视组件,为地面防空指挥官提供交战质量目标数据, 无人机探测和反火炮, Rocket and Mortar (C-RAM) sense and warn within a single solution. 它是非常近距离雷达(VSHORAD)系统的理想主传感器,可以用作空隙填充物,补充较大的GBAD系统, 或作为反无人机(C-UAS)解决方案.
阅读更多: 长颈鹿1 x
Saab Barracuda先进的移动伪装系统(MCS)主要用于在移动和战斗中保护军用车辆,并帮助车辆融入周围环境. MCS是一个灵活的解决方案, which can be applied in several configurations using different types of materials. 它提供对传感器的保护, 视觉上的伪装能力, 近红外, 短波红外线, thermal infrared spectrum and broadband radar wavebands, 调光传感器, obscures targeting and fooling smart ammunition and offers a tactical and operational advantage.
阅读更多: 梭鱼MCS
SAFE -命令. 控制. 沟通.
SAFE is a truly unified platform for mission critical incident and operations management. The solution replaces legacy disparate solutions, such as C&C, 可以, 地理信息系统, CRM and Mobile data with a single modern platform, providing a complete control room feature set within a single user interface. SAFE empowers users to make more informed decisions, faster. The solution increases resolution at first contact, improves customer satisfaction and enables resources to operate more efficiently. At the heart of SAFE is a powerful workflow based rules engine and user interface tool, 启用定制配置以满足单个客户的业务流程和工作流需求. Organizations can evolve workflows and designs as their demands grows.